Monday, February 5, 2018


It was an extremely busy day, but here are the highlights!
The class learned about a new habitat today: the arctic.  They learned about the weather conditions in arctic regions, the animals that live there, and glaciers and their movement.  The students have a flip book of information for this lesson, and they will be continuing to learn about the arctic at home this week.

In grammar, we began preparing for our big review game!  The class will be reviewing all of the grammar concepts that they have learned so far…. and that’s a lot!  Study those grammar cards to be ready for next week’s game!  We will be learning more concepts and adding to our grammar card stack, and it is important to continue to study and review past material!

In art, the group finished their ocean scuba diver projects.  These were absolutely adorable!  They then decorated Valentine’s boxes for next week’s party!

In history, the class is wrapping up the study of Colonial America.  Last week, they began creating Colonist puppets.  Today, they either completed them or are really close to having them ready.  At home, they will be using all of their material on Colonial America to write short scripts for their puppets!   They will be using these scripts to show what they know next week!

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