Monday, February 19, 2018


Today was absolutely packed with hands on learning fun!  The day began with some farm news.  The lamancha doe finally had her kids: two little bucklings.  They are healthy and hopping around today!  This doe is an excellent milker, and I foresee a little milking demonstration in the near future!

In science class, the group began the space unit.  Ms. Gina taught the class about the sun, planets, and the moon.  Kids absolutely love space lessons, and this one was a hit!  Today's lesson focused on the sun.  After their discussion, the group had fun doing some suran-wrap-finger-painting.  They created a sun of their own and write a description for their project.  Just writing sentences and practicing handwriting skills is a lesson in itself at this age!  They did a wonderful job.

In language arts, the class learned a new part of speech today: prepositions.  They learned how prepositions show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in a sentence.  In order to demonstrate this, we used the new baby goats!  Goats love to jump, climb, duck, and move around objects.  We brought the babies in and used prepositions to describe the relationship between them and the desks, books, chairs, etc.  The kids loved it, and I think they will remember what prepositions do!  We added a new card to the preposition card stack, as well.  They will be working on learning the preposition song set to the tune of Yankee Doodle.  It seems very hard, but everything is so much easier when put to music!

To review the other parts of speech, the class learned how to fill in a crossword puzzle.  This is a tricky skill to learn, and we took it step by step!  At first, we answered them together.  Then, we broke up into groups and worked in teams, with my assistance as needed.  They did a wonderful job!  I know it seems monotonous to study these parts of speech, but it will lay an excellent foundation for years to come!

Ms. Gina integrated science into art class today, as well.  The students created rockets using paper, markers, tape, a pipette, and a straw!  This was super fun, and it was a great little physics lesson, as well!

The class read a few more chapters in the book, A Mouse Called Wolf.  We will most likely finish this next week.  They absolutely love it, and I do, as well! 

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