Grammar - Today we began with a little review. The class broke up into pairs and quizzed each other over their grammar cards. Next, we went over the preposition song... and it is going extremely well! They'll have it down in no time! To help review and understand prepositions, we played a little game. First, each student drew a card. On the card was a single preposition. They had to come up with sentences using the word correctly. This actually led to a great lesson! Someone used the word "over" in the sentence "The game was over." I explained that these prepositions can sometimes be used in other ways! In order for "over" to be a preposition, it has to be used to show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.
Next, we worked on some writing skills. The card game continued, but this time the students wrote their sentences on the whiteboards. We worked on capitalization, punctuation, handwriting, and spelling. At home, parents are working on skills like these every day. We only have one day per week, so I try to integrate and maximize learning!

We continued to read in our book, "A Mouse Called Wolf" today. Each student followed along in their books... but I could tell that some were having a difficult time keeping up or focusing. I recognized that some children simply see a large amount of words on a page and "shut down". I stopped mid-chapter and gave each child a notecard. I explained that it helps to flip the notecard so that the blank side (no lines) is facing up, and so that it covers the page except for the line that is being read. (The lines can just add to the visual distraction and give the "feeling" of still being "busy" even when the words are covered.) I could tell that this did help! We will keep working on focus and reading skills throughout the remainder of the year.
In art, the class worked on the beginnings of a large project! They used a combination of paint and glue to create random, 3D lines across a board. Once they are dry, they will be working on the next step!