Thursday, October 12, 2017


Science-  In science today, the class learned about the scientific method.  They worked through the method as they tested the reactions of raisins in different liquids: regular water, sparkling water, and Sprite.  They were all surprised to see that the raisins danced in the Sprite but sunk in the regular water!  Ms. Gina helped the kids record the findings and understand the steps in the process.

Grammar- The class reviewed the parts of speech that they have learned so far.  We went over nouns and pronouns, and discussed the first two parts of the pronoun list.  At home, the kids will be continuing to study their grammar cards at home.  This way, we are able to maximize our in-class lessons!  The students have learned how to use commas in an address, but today they learned how to use a comma in writing the date.  They also learned that commas are very important for listing things in a sentence.  To help them remember this, they broke up into pairs and worked on a fun activity using different verbs, common nouns, and proper nouns.  I began a sentence, and the students completed the sentence by adding a series of words with commas and the conjunction “and”.  We will review this next week, and learn more ways to use commas.

The class did an awesome job with their poetry memorization!  We recorded the audio for their project, and the kids worked on illustrations.  I will be compiling these into videos for each child, and we will begin a new poem next week!

During story time, Ms. Gina finished up the story, “Mercy Watson to the Rescue”.  The kids really enjoyed reading along as Ms. Gina read aloud.   Later in the day, each child was able to read their own stories that they wrote about Ms. Kitty, the miniature horse.  I love the enthusiasm that they all have with sharing their writing!
Since it was wet and rainy, we had a little dance party to "get our wiggles out"!

History- The class began the unit on Native Americas.  We talked about the different tribes of Native Americans that were present long before settlers came to North America.  We zeroed in on the Iroquois Tribe today that lived in the Northeast.  The class learned about the clothing the tribe wore, the longhouses that they lived in, and the food that they ate.  We also talked about the toys that the Iroquois children played with.  The kids put together booklets of information that they can review at home.  

Art- In art class, Ms. Gina taught the class about sketching a still life.  At first, the students had a hard time understanding that, although they were all looking at the same items, they were looking at them from different perspectives.  This meant each sketch would be a little different from the others!  We talked about how some lessons in our class are lessons in listening or following directions, but this was a lesson in paying attention to details.  Next week, the kids will paint their sketches!

Our duck eggs began to hatch today, so I helped each student get a good look at the new babies!  They were able to see the other eggs beginning to hatch, as well.  Hopefully, we will have some cute babies to touch and feel next week!

Rainy Day Recess!


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