Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Today, Ms. Gina taught the class about oxidation as they worked their way through an experiment with apples.  The group used different liquids to test whether they are good for preserving, or if they cause the apples to brown.  They practiced stepping through the scientific method, recording the results on their lab sheet.  As they work through different experiments and activities, they are learning how to hypothesize, how to make careful observations, and how to be patient and wait for results.  As they waited for the results today, the class worked on a scientific method poster.
After a review of nouns and pronouns, the class was given a new grammar card: verbs!  The definition that they will be learning for ‘verb’ is a long one, but this is why we add a part of speech each week instead of piling them on at once.  Although many of the children were familiar with action verbs, they had not heard of helping verbs, linking verbs, or state-of-being verbs.  They will be mastering all of these in the next few weeks! 
Today, we focused on action verbs.  The students looked through magazines and found pictures of people (or animals) who were doing an action.  They cut them out, glued them down, and labeled each one.  At home, the class will be working with verbs, but they will also be reviewing the past cards.  Most of them have memorized the pronoun list, but a few are still working on it!  We will have prizes next week for anyone who can say it from memory!
Thank goodness, the sun came out at lunch!  We were able to go outside and see Tootsie’s new baby!  She was born yesterday, and is healthy and perfect!  By next week, she should be ready to come in and visit the class. 
Ms. Gina integrated our Native American studies into story time today.  The students learned that tribes would share their stories verbally, and would use symbols to represent different words.  Each of them were given a sheet of symbols, and they were able to write a symbol on the smooth surface of a rock.  The class could draw some rocks and use the words to create stories to share with the class!  
We reviewed our last few lessons on the Seminole, Iroquois, and Cherokee tribes.  They read the stories that they wrote at home, and they did such an amazing job!  Some wrote fictional tales of the day in the life of an Iroquois or Seminole child.  Some wrote non-fiction essays about things they had learned.  I loved the stories, but I also really enjoyed the enthusiasm they had for sharing them!   Next, the class learned about the Sioux.  The Sioux Nation lived on the North American plains.  They were nomadic, and carried their tipis with them as they followed the buffalo.  In class, the students created their booklets on the Sioux.  We talked about the importance of the buffalo to the tribes and how important it was for them to use every possible part of the animal.  Next week, we will make our own tipis, but today, we created bead and arrowhead necklaces.

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