We began our day with a lesson on different breeds of cattle. The class was able to see the different characteristics of dairy and beef cattle breeds on the screen and they asked a lot of great questions! Our new little calf is part Holstein, and we continued to work on our Holstein-inspired art project!

At home, the students wrote about our new calf. In class, we talked about the pros and cons of keeping a bottle calf. The kids did a great job writing about this topic in their journals. One of my favorite parts of Farm Fusion is the students' desire to share their creative writing assignments. Each week, they cannot wait to stand up and read to their peers... and I love their enthusiasm!
In order to integrate a little math into our agriculture lesson, we discussed how dairy products come in gallons, pints, and quarts. The class used pictures of different measurements to create a silly "Gallon Man" project as we discussed the measurements as a class. Hopefully, these kids will remember this lesson when the concept pops up in the future!

After lunch the kids enjoyed a visit from a special guest! Ms. Karen Allen has a degree in Spanish and came to help the class understand the differences in the Spanish language across Mexico, Central American countries, and southwestern countries of Europe. The class learned about Spain and even made castanets!

In science, the class has been learning about the fungi kingdom. We reviewed their lesson from home and then the class was able to see a spore print that I made from a mushroom the night before. Although we won't be making spore-prints in class, I will post a video so parents and students can create them at home, if they'd like! Next, the kids worked on a mushroom dissection! They learned about the different parts of the mushroom, as well as the function of each. The class learned how to create a wet mount slide, and we viewed slivers of the gills. The kids will label the different mushroom parts in their science notebook before next class.

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