Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Our class began yet again with some exciting Farm News!  No, Esther the goat has not kidded yet.... but we have two new miniature zebu on the farm!  These zebu are very small, and will be a absolutely fantastic addition to our program.  A huge thank you to Little Tots Estate for such gorgeous cattle!

Our science lesson was all about forces and motion.  The class moved from station to station completing a series of experiments.  They used bouncy balls, toy cars, pinwheels, marbles, and tops to make their observations.  They discussed friction, energy, forces, and more.  The findings were recorded in their motion booklets, and they were even able to keep some fun treats!

The class has learned about the first three types of verbs so far: action verbs, state of being verbs, and linking verbs.  Today, they learned about the last type.... helping verbs!  We will be working on memorizing the list of helping verbs.  Although it seems tedious now, it will help for years to come!  Please keep studying those grammar cards at home.  I promise, it pays off!

In art, the kids learned about the Israeli sculptor Yaacov Agam.  Agam was born in 1928 and is known for his optical and kinetic art.  He created agamographs, which the students learned all about today.  The class created their own Thanksgiving themed agamographs.  It was a little tricky to color two different images at the same time, but they did a wonderful job!

Our history lesson was all about the Mayflower.  The kids are at the beginning of a huge study of Colonial life.  They will be creating a book of their activities and information they gather along the way!   Our writing assignment correlated with the history lesson, as the kids wrote either stories about journeying to the New World or letters to friends or family explaining the difficulties of the voyage on the Mayflower.  As always, this sweet class impressed me!  Giving children a reason to write and an opportunity to share their ideas with friends is a fantastic motivator!

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