Science- Today's lesson was all about astronauts! The class learned about the first lunar missions, and they talked about the International Space Station. Everyone was all ears! The thought of living in zero gravity, orbiting the earth, or blasting off through the atmosphere is just terribly exciting! Plus.... three words.... "Astronaut Ice Cream!"
Today was pajama day! Each student was asked to bring in their favorite book to share with the class. They shared the reasons why they love the book and showed it off to their friends. My goal was to help spark an interest in reading, and we had three students who were really excited to read their friend's recommendation!
After they shared their books, the kids read from their journals. This week, they were asked to write a story about the cute little chicks that were in the classroom last week. These stories were great! The class has been working on sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation all year. The journal entries are a way for us to reinforce these skills!

We reviewed the parts of speech that have been learned so far, and then the class marched around the room in a Preposition Parade! We sang the preposition list as we marched along. They really learned the list quickly!
In art, the group continued the project that they began last week. They added different colors of paint to each section in their glue/paint design. This was an excellent exercise in listening to directions, planning ahead, and building fine motor skills. We have been playing classical music during art time, and Ms. Gina and I have both been amazed at the increase in attention everyone has! The atmosphere becomes calm and focused... I love it!

The class continued to paint while I read the next two chapters in A Mouse Called Wolf. The vocabulary in this book is advanced, which is wonderful! We are able to stop and discuss the meanings of words and talk about what has gone on in recent paragraphs Sometimes, we underestimate what our children can handle, and I love finding books that expand their word banks.

In history, we have been learning about the beginning of the American Revolution. Today, I gave each child (aka Colonists) a cup to collect their "wages" (aka Smarties). Then, I acted as the King and Parliament, enacting taxes on the colonists. They were taxed for having ponytails, for wearing long sleeves, for not wearing shoes.... for all sorts of crazy things! The class started to get unruly! This was the perfect time to explain the Colonists frustration, and how they cried, "No Taxation Without Representation!" We talked about the Stamp Act, which they will be reading about at home. Next week, we will discuss the Boston Tea Party!